Friends of the Poor 5K Logo

The St. Vincent de Paul conference at Holy Family Catholic Church in Orlando, FL hosts an annual Friends of the Poor Walk/Run. With the existing threat of COVID-19, our 5K event will be VIRTUAL this year where you can participate in any location you choose during the week of November 1 through 8, 2020. For those of you who would like a challenge, start a team by asking your friends, family and co-workers to join us to help feed the poor.


Countdown to the Virtual 5K








And Off They Go...Racing

The mission of St. Vincent de Paul is to serve our Central Florida community by providing compassionate and spiritual support services such as emergency food, financial assistance as well as home visits. The pandemic has created a challenging year but our SVdP food pantry has continued to remain open throughout and we have seen an increase in those we serve upwards of 40%..

The Friends of the Poor Walk/Run is our largest fundraising event for our Holy Family Conference. Last year our event raised over $15,000 which provided over 100,000 meals distributed to those we serve in Central Florida. We were able to provide more than $101,000 in financial aid for emergency rent, utilities, medial and auto repairs. We are 100% volunteer based spiritual society with our Vincentians providing over 16,000 hours of person-to-person service of counseling, guidance listening and sharing Christ’s love.